Relationship Maintenance
We have a tendency to take our partners for granted. The courtship was wonderful, the love-making great. Then we get married and settle...

Mindfulness of Relationships and EFT
As I was writing the blog on mindfulness and parenting I was struck with the parallels for me between mindfulness and the strategies of...

Stress Response 6 - Stress Busters
So what can you really do? Analyze: Do an honest inventory of how you really spend your time (include distractions like TV, surfing the...

Life is an Obstacle Course
There are times in life when things just don’t seem to work out. One thing after another gets in the way of what I planned or hoped to do. O

You got me what? Don’t be disappointed - gift giving in relationships
We have all faced that age old dilemma: what can I get my partner that a) I haven’t done before, b) that will strengthen our bond to...

Forgiveness 101 - What is Forgiveness Anyway?
Over the years I have contemplated the importance and difficulty of forgiveness at a personal, societal and national level. Lack of...

Adult Relationships
In my previous blog on attachment I explored the definition and importance of attachment for children. We used to believe that adults...

Child to Parent
Research in child development has discovered that children’s attachment to their primary caregiver(s) is the most important aspect of...

Stress Response 6 - Stress Busters
So what can you really do? Analyze: Do an honest inventory of how you really spend your time (include distractions like TV, surfing the...

Violence Prevention
Preventing violence is the end goal of many programs. But if we only focus on victims and perpetrators with the limited resources...