8 Things to Consider When Making a Long-Term Relationship Commitment
It is important to consider why you want to live together and to honestly explore the hopes, dreams and possible internal and external obsta

The Stress Response Part 1
The Set-Up As human beings, we have aspects of our experience we can control, and many that are automatic. We are hardwired for stress...

Why Women Cry
One thing about women that is difficult for many men is when we cry. Often for a man he feels powerless in the face of tears and as...

Why Men Lie
In my work with couples the issue of truth and lies, trust, and trustworthiness often arise. The difficulty is that there is always more...

There is no magic bullet for mental well-being.
When people come for counselling they often wonder, “how long is this going to take?” And/or “Are you the one that can truly help me make...

Curiosity Questions to Promote Connection and Communication
In my previous blog, How to Really Listen, I promised to provide some questions that promote a deeper understanding and connection. I...

How to really listen
Most couples who come to counselling want to improve their communication. I always explore in what way could communication be improved?...

Why just going to counselling isn’t enough
I have had many desperate partners and parents in my office who say, “If only my loved one would go to counselling”, usually with a...

Relationship Tune – Ups
I have many couple clients who leave with great hope and sense of “we can do this”. There has been enough listening, clarification and...

If my marriage isn’t working, what should I do?
There are many reasons why we struggle to maintain a healthy balance in our primary intimate relationships. Regardless of those reasons,...