Why just going to counselling isn’t enough
I have had many desperate partners and parents in my office who say, “If only my loved one would go to counselling”, usually with the...

Forgiveness 101 - What’s Forgiveness Anyway?
Over the years I have contemplated the importance and difficulty of forgiveness, at a personal, societal, and national level. Lack of...

Child to Parent Attachment
Research in child development and child to parent attachment has discovered that children’s attachment to their primary caregiver(s) is the

Mindful Strategies for Parenting
This will conclude my blogs on parenting with mindfulness for now. When I am challenged as a parent and struggle to be present – start...

Mindfulness Parenting
Mindfulness is our capacity to be aware of the present moment through intention and openness (non-judgment). Noticing our internal...

Parenting Tween to Teen – Less is More
“Why won’t my teen (teenager) listen to me anymore” is an often-heard refrain in my counselling office. And, “why don’t my parents trust...

The Change from Kind to Kindest
Most of my life I have resisted superlatives such as ‘Greatest’ ‘Totally awesome’ and ‘Fan-tastic! (said with enthusiasm). So inevitably...

Gift Giving in Relationships
We have all faced that age-old dilemma: what can I get my partner as a gift that a) I haven’t done before, b) that will strengthen our...

Imagine and Practice for Success
So you’ve done lots of exploration, but the rubber has to hit the road at some point if you are to move forward in your life. Even if...

Working Towards A Solution: Ways to Get Unstuck
What do you believe and how do you feel about the situation? Working towards a solution starts with exploring emotions and issues, without