How to really listen
Most couples who come to counselling want to improve their communication. I always explore in what way could communication be improved?...

Why just going to counselling isn’t enough
I have had many desperate partners and parents in my office who say, “If only my loved one would go to counselling”, usually with a...

Relationship Tune – Ups
I have many couple clients who leave with great hope and sense of “we can do this”. There has been enough listening, clarification and...

If my marriage isn’t working, what should I do?
There are many reasons why we struggle to maintain a healthy balance in our primary intimate relationships. Regardless of those reasons,...

Relationship Maintenance
We have a tendency to take our partners for granted. The courtship was wonderful, the love-making great. Then we get married and settle...

Mindfulness of Relationships and EFT
As I was writing the blog on mindfulness and parenting I was struck with the parallels for me between mindfulness and the strategies of...

Stress Response 6 - Stress Busters
So what can you really do? Analyze: Do an honest inventory of how you really spend your time (include distractions like TV, surfing the...

You got me what? Don’t be disappointed - gift giving in relationships
We have all faced that age old dilemma: what can I get my partner that a) I haven’t done before, b) that will strengthen our bond to...

Forgiveness 101 - What is Forgiveness Anyway?
Over the years I have contemplated the importance and difficulty of forgiveness at a personal, societal and national level. Lack of...

Adult Relationships
In my previous blog on attachment I explored the definition and importance of attachment for children. We used to believe that adults...