Relationship Repair
When we have been deeply hurt by someone in a relationship, lashing out or going silent neither addresses nor leads to relationship repair.

Do You Have an Unhappy Partner?
There are times in a relationship when one person is happy with things, so it comes as a surprise when their unhappy partner says I’m not.

Imagine and Practice for Success
So you’ve done lots of exploration, but the rubber has to hit the road at some point if you are to move forward in your life. Even if...

Working Towards A Solution: Ways to Get Unstuck
What do you believe and how do you feel about the situation? Working towards a solution starts with exploring emotions and issues, without

The Dilemma Set-Up
As a counsellor I have found that many people are stuck because they are on the horns of a dilemma. Many times people are faced with...

Marriage is a 3-Legged Race
One of the major transitions in a marriage relationship is from an independent life, being responsible just for oneself and making...

Couple Relationships
My favourite joke with couples is – if our creator (whatever that is to
you – God, society, evolution…) wanted us to live together in harmon

Stress & Relationships: Stress Response Part 3
When our partner is our safe harbour, where we can cry from our hurt and grieve for what cannot be, we have the renewed energy to return to

Why Men Lie
In my work with couples the issue of truth and lies, trust, and trustworthiness often arise. The difficulty is that there is always more...

Curiosity Questions to Promote Connection and Communication
In my previous blog, How to Really Listen, I promised to provide some questions that promote a deeper understanding and connection. I...